About Spiral
Thrilling police procedural Spiral aired in France from 2005 to 2020 to critical acclaim. Spanning eight seasons, the series follows police captain Laure Berthaud’s squad and the judicial system they serve.
While they work within a system of moral corruption, fallible justice, and heinous crimes, Spiral leads its characters down a twisting narrative of dark paths.
Critical Acclaim for Spiral
“…the crème de la crème of Euro crime sagas…” – Graeme Virtue, The Guardian
“The long-running crime drama Spiral — its title in France, where it premiered on Canal+ back in 2005, is Engrenages, or ‘Gears’ — does not take place in a postcard Paris. Tourist landmarks and picturesque boulevards are scant; the Eiffel Tower occasionally appears in the hazy distance, like a mirage.” – Mike Hale, The New York Times
“Another long-running classique of French TV, Spiral takes the cop-and-justice beats of Law & Order and the subtlety and knottiness of The Wire and combines them in a deeply satisfying police procedural. Lupin makes the French capital look glossy and alluring; Spiral takes off the filters and shows Paris’s grimy side. The crime scenes can be gruesome and macabre, but this is not a sensationalist show, and its leads, particularly Caroline Proust as the police captain Laure Berthaud, are ruggedly human and flawed in all the right ways.” – Taylor Antrim, VOGUE
Cast & Characters
Caroline Proust | Police Captain Laure Berthaud
Grégory Fitoussi | Assistant Prosecutor Pierre Clément
Philippe Duclos | Judge François Roban
Thierry Godard | Police Lieutenant Gilles “Gilou” Escoffier
Fred Bianconi | Police Lieutenant Frédéric “Tintin” Fromentin
Audrey Fleurot | Joséphine Karlsson